Gakuen Alice or Alice Academy is the story of a 10-year old girl, Mikan Sakura, who is devastated when her best friend, Hotaru Imai, transfers to a special school for "genius" kids in Tokyo. Mikan runs away from home to seek out her dear friend, and finds that the school Hotaru transferred to, Alice Academy, is specifically for children who each have a special power called an "Alice". After a teacher at Alice Academy, Narumi, discovers that Mikan has a unique Alice, she is admitted into the school. The story is primarily about Mikan and her experiences at the academy.
The Alice Academy is allegedly located somewhere in Tokyo, beside a huge gorilla billboard. The size of the school grounds resembles the dimensions of a sprawling estate, reminiscent of the CLAMP School in CLAMP School Detectives. The grounds are enough to contain three levels of school (elementary, junior high, senior high), as well as Central Town, where shops managed by Alice-bearing artisans sell goods resulting from their Alices. The Academy has its own monetary system, the Rabbit (Rt). One Rabbit equals 100 yen. There is a forest in the middle of the estate.
The school has its own set of student representatives in addition to the top brass of the school.
1 comment:
wow..i love alice academy.,.do have a copy of season 2??
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