The metaseries appeared outside Japan before the video games did, and has since spawned several movies. It is aimed at younger viewers but many other devoted fans of all ages enjoy the anime as well. Originally a single series, Pocket Monsters, it has since been spun off to three: Pocket Monsters: Advanced Generation, and subsequently Pocket Monsters Diamond & Pearl, continue the story of Pocket Monsters, while Pokémon Sunday (formerly Shūkan Pokémon Hōsōkyoku) is a series of stories revolving around some of the recurring characters.
The main series tells the story of Ash Ketchum (Satoshi) and his quest to become a Pokémon Master. However, unlike in the video games, he is given a Pikachu as his first Pokémon under unusual circumstances. Much of the series focuses on the friendship between Ash, Pikachu, and the various Pokémon and Trainers along the way.
Throughout the run of the show the subject matter changes. In the early episodes, the show is more comical and whimsical (light and airy). It uses “goofy” humor (or “cute” humor when it comes to Pikachu, who does wacky things in between important scenes). As the show progresses and as Ash becomes more of a mature and leader-type character, the main course of the show becomes more or less serious, and its previous comical nature (for the most part) changes into comic relief, attributed mostly to Team Rocket.
English-language episode titles tend to be a play on common words or phrases in pop culture (e.g. “I Feel Skitty”, “Where’s Armaldo?”) rather than phrases or short sentences from other anime (e.g “Tetsusaiga, the Phantom Sword” from Inuyasha, “Byakugan vs. Shadow Clone Jutsu!” from Naruto) although early episode names were mostly translations of their Japanese counterparts.
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